Dividend tax
Information relating to secondary tax on companies and the new dividend tax regime
Dividends Tax 1807. New dividend dispensation January 2010 - Issue 125 Introduction In anticipation of the switch from secondary tax on companies (STC) to dividends tax (a withholding tax) in the latter part of 2010 (which might or mig...
New Dividend tax will leave shareholders worse off Sapa Shareholders will be worse off with the new dividend tax, PricewaterhouseCoopers SA said on Tuesday. Dividend taxes will soon be shifted from the company — which presently bears it in the f...
Secondary Tax on Companies 1644. Revised taxation on distributed profits July 2008 – Issue 107 More or less tax? A number of important changes were made to the secondary tax on companies (STC) regime last year. These changes wer...
Secondary Tax on Companies 1444. STC on liquidation distributions September 2006 – Issue 85 Introduction There is much confusion regarding the amount of a liquidation distribution that is subject to secondary tax on companies (S...
Dividends1720. STC exemptionApril 2009 – Issue 116 Until recently, dividends declared in anticipation of the liquidation, deregistration or winding up of a company out of pre-31 March 1993 profits (revenue and capital), or out of ...
Dividends Tax1714. Shareholders to earn less with new dividends taxMarch 2009 – Issue 115 Final details of the long awaited replacement of Secondary Tax on Companies (STC) with dividends tax were announced recently. It ends months of ...
Companies1702. The new passive holding company regimeFebruary 2009 – Issue 114 As an anti-avoidance measure, the taxation of passive holding companies ("PHC") will come into being at the time that dividends tax is introduced. The driv...
Fringe Benefits 1880. Fringe benefits and STC - interest rates October 2010 - Issue 134 If inadequate interest is charged to an employee (including working directors) on loans (other than for the purpose of furthering his own studi...
Take advantage of the STC tax exemption before it is too late Douglas Gaul, Grant Thornton Business owners should consider whether they are in a position to take advantage of an exemption from secondary tax on companies (STC) on certain dividend d...
Fringe Benefits 1880. Fringe benefits and STC - interest rates October 2010 - Issue 134 If inadequate interest is charged to an employee (including working directors) on loans (other than for the purpose of furthering his o...
SECONDARY TAX ON COMPANIES 1943. Liquidation distributions In terms of section 64B(5)(c) of the Act the following amounts will be exempt when distributed in the course of or in anticipation of a liquidation, winding u...
COMPANIES 1988. Contributed tax capital and par value shares September 2011 - Issue 145 Since 1 January 2011 the Income Tax Act No. 58 of 1962 (the Act) has a new definition for "dividend" as well as a definition for the newly in...
Secondary Tax on Companies 1943. Liquidation distributions April 2011 - Issue 140 In terms of section 64B(5)(c) of the Act the following amounts will be exempt when distributed in the course of or in anticipation of a liqui...